(904) 278-5383 info@dynamiccorp.com

Dynamic Con HR Conference

Friday, February 28th, 2025

Dynamic Con 2025 is coming soon!








Dynamic Con HR Conference
Hosted by DCSI

Friday, February 28, 2025 9:15AM – 4:00PM

Pre-Con (add-on) begins at 8:00AM

Join DCSI for the 4th Annual Dynamic Con one-day Human Resources Conference in Jacksonville, FL. This year’s event will again feature DCSI facilitators and current topics impacting today’s HR leaders and managers. The event will include 3 Speaking Sessions, HR Trivia, HR Q&A Panel, Lunch, Happy Hour, and a Pre-Con option for 1 extra certification credit. We can’t wait to see everyone!

Individual Ticket Price $219, Pre-Con add-on option $40

Event is eligible for 4 HRCI/SHRM recertification credits.

Announcing New Location!!

Sheraton Hotel Jacksonville

10605 Deerwood Park Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32256

Keynote Speakers

Elaine Johnson, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

VP of Advisory Services

Pre-Con Session:
P-O-W-E-R Networking: Create Intentional Connections

Networking is about making a “small world” even smaller. While it may seem challenging, it is something we do already – and the key is to become more effective as a giver and receiver of the interactions in networking. It is about being intentional on how we plan and make contacts and share information for personal and professional benefit. Effectively building a network of professional contacts both within and outside of your organization requires a defined skill set. Join Elaine Johnson in this session as she challenges each participant to leverage the acronym of P-O-W-E-R Networking through understanding the foundational elements of networking, building your confidence attending events, and utilizing tools for cultivating your network.

Sarah Laboranti, SHRM-CP

VP of Training & E-Solutions

ADA-Proof Your Business:
5 Accommodation Lessons Learned

The intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act has changed over the years. Originally an employer-centric law, the purpose of the ADAAA today is to accommodate applicants and employees in a variety of ways to empower their success in the workplace. Successful leaders must recognize informal requests for accommodating all disability-related needs including physical, mental health, cognitive and learning disabilities, whether or not those disabilities are visible. In this session, Sarah Laboranti will share scenarios that involve problem-solving, key communication and a little creativity to support today’s workforce. From policies for emotional support animals in the workplace to flexible training offerings for employees with learning disabilities, leaders will walk away from this session with 5 tips for supporting the ADA needs of our employees.

Megan Richardson, PHR, SHRM-CP

SVP of Consulting & CSO

Think Like a CHRO:
5 Tips for Developing an Executive Mindset

This session is designed to help professionals transition from a tactical, hands-on role to a high-level, strategic executive mindset. At the conclusion of the session, participants will understand the core attributes of successful executives, develop skills in strategic thinking, and learn how to approach challenges and opportunities with a broad, visionary perspective. Chief Strategy Officer Megan Richardson will review real-world scenarios that showcase leaders’ successes and failures, and share the most common pitfalls most leaders encounter when making the transition to executive leadership. The course will equip participants with the tools, frameworks, and mindsets needed to think and lead like an executive. By fostering a strategic, results-driven perspective, participants will gain the confidence to drive organizational success at the highest levels.

Darrin Finley

Senior Training Consultant

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same:
5 Timeless Leadership Skills

Join the engaging Darrin Finley again this year as he shares the top principles that contribute to leadership effectiveness and success. Darrin will explore generational perspectives on leadership and create the business case for applying top principles while managing today’s multi-generational workforce. All levels of leadership will strengthen their skillset in the areas of fostering collaboration, improving team dynamics and enhancing the overall performance of their workplace with these key leadership principles that transcend generational divides.

2025 Conference Features

Pre-Conference Session:  “P-O-W-E-R Networking”

Create Intentional Connections  |  Elaine Johnson, VP Advisory Services

ADA-Proof Your Business

5 Accommodation Lessons Learned |  Sarah Laboranti, VP Training & E-Solutions

Think Like a CHRO

5 Strategies to Develop an Executive Mindset   |  Megan Richardson, CSO & SVP Consulting

Focusing on Title VII in the Wake of the Executive Orders

Lori S. Patterson, Shareholder- Rogers Towers, P.A. 

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

5 Timeless Leadership Skills |  Darrin Finley, Senior Training Consultant 

HR Trivia Event

Test Your HR Knowledge

HR & Legal Panel

Employment Law Attorney + DCSI HR Consulting Team


Contact us for group pricing: 904-278-5383

*Please note that photographs and videos will be taken throughout the event for publication to DCSI’s website, social pages and marketing material distribution. Persons attending the Dynamic Con event who do not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer and/or the event organizers: jtarter@dynamiccorp.com